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Sticky Fingers

Romantic relationships aren't the only type of relationships I have that fail miserably.  I mean crash and burn, dumpster fire, stuck in a pool with piranhas kind of miserable.  This is the story of an ex-friend, we'll call her Sticky Fingers. Sticky Fingers and I met during 2020.  It is so fitting that this budding friendship started during chaos.  We lived in the same apartment building and met through a mutual friend.  We bonded quickly, leaned on each other through dating drama, spent many weekend mornings on her couch watching TV and making breakfast, and we talked all day everyday.  I truly loved her and saw her like a sister. I first learned it was a toxic friendship when I found out she was messaging a guy I dated, we'll call him Minnesota, on Instagram.  She knew him as well, he also lived in our building, but she went out of her way to try to get close to this guy.  It never sat right with me.  It is one thing to be friendly and cordial but it's completely dif

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